The phrase “look before you leap” can apply to a variety of situations.  In this example, we will use, “read before you send” since it applies more to social media. Many businesses have posted embarrassing, rude or ignorant tweets without taking the time to think about what they are writing.  Many of these offenders are global brands with millions of followers and it creates a viral chatter regarding the questionable post.

Recently Walt Disney Japan had to apologize after they sent out a tweet poorly translated into Japanese that read “congratulations on a not special day” in reference to the 70th anniversary of U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki.  The American company sent out an apology tweet saying they would more carefully manage the Twitter account.

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Brands with a social media strategy in place, along with a manager who takes care of all the posting, can help avoid sending the wrong message to followers.  With a well-crafted strategy, all posts are carefully written prior to the posting date and have been looked over by multiple people in the company.  No matter the size of your business, you can take action to avoid putting yourself in a bad situation.  These types of posts can hurt a businesses credibility and hurt potential business.

If you are looking for someone to manage your social media accounts, Off The Wall Media offers social media management packages that can be customized to fit the needs of your business. Don’t let mistakes happen on your accounts and let the marketing professionals handle your accounts.  Call 503-452-1082 or visit to learn more.