Man using Digital Devices Searching Social Network

A lot of businesses understand the importance of a strong social media presence.  Many of them do not understand the benefits of email marketing in addition to social media.  Social  media can be hard to see the right ROI but email marketing can generate almost immediate results.  Streamlining your social media and email marketing can help increase your marketing efforts on both platforms for winning results.

1. Add an email sign-up call-to-action button on your Facebook page.  Select the “Sign Up” option on your Facebook page for the call-to-action to grow your email list to fans and visitors.

2. Use Twitter cards.  Twitter’s lead generation cards do cost money, but if you have the budget, they are a great way to increase email sign ups to Twitter users.

3. Add annotations to your YouTube videos.  Instead of encouraging users to subscribe to your YouTube channel, try mixing it up with a call-to-action to join your email list.  Annotations are clickable, embedded links in your videos and the “associated website” one is the best option for capturing email addresses from a landing page.

4. Make occasional social posts about joining your email list.  We stress the word occasional because you don’t want to annoy or scare people away if you make these posts too often.  Similar to most posts, you want to keep your content varied.

5. Include social sharing icons in your emails. This one is very easy to do in the bottom of your emails, just make sure the icons are large enough to read.

6. After people sign up for your email list, prompt them to follow you on social media.  You probably already have an automated message that says something like “Thank you for subscribing” so try adding “Follow us on Twitter” to the message.

7. Use content from social media posts in your emails and vice versa.  Less content creation is required, more time efficient, and helps instill your message to clients and followers.

Need help with your social media and email marketing strategy?  Contact the marketing experts at Off The Wall Media to help you get started.  Call 503-452-1082 or visit