
Does your business have a social media marketing plan?  The answer should be yes.  If you don’t have one, then read the guide below very carefully to get started on your social media strategy.

Step 1: Choose your social networks.  Not every social media network will make sense for your target audience.  Choose the ones your customers are most likely to be on by doing research on your target demographic.  Utilize audience research from surveys online to check out what demographic uses each social media platform to help make the decision easier.

Step 2: Make sure you have complete profiles.  If your Facebook page doesn’t have a profile photo, visitors will think you are not a legitimate business.  A completed social profile shows professionalism, consistent branding and shows visitors you are ready to engage.  On your profiles, word content to explain what you can do for your customers and not just what you do.  Be personable and tailor content to your specific audience.

Step 3: Find your voice and tone.  Think of your brand as a person and ask yourself, what kind of personality would it have?  Creating an overall voice and tone for your business will help you curate focused content for your profiles.  Voice is the mission statement and tone is the implementation of that mission.

Step 4: Pick your posting strategy. Visual content including images and videos is more likely to see higher engagement.  Put together types of content that makes the most sense for your business to post on a regular basis.  Create your posting calendar to help solidify your posting strategy.  Each social channel will require a different frequency for posting and optimal times to schedule content.  Check out this infographic for more information.

This should help your business get started with a social media marketing plan.  If you need help crafting your businesses social strategy, contact the experts at Off The Wall Media.  Call 503-452-1082 or visit to learn more.