Your company’s website is the single most important online asset. To help you better understand some aspects that go along with web & digital marketing, we are sharing some free tools and resources to check out.
1. Google Analytics. Every website should have Google Analytics synched up in order to get more insights and data on the visitors to your site. Many people don’t fully understand how to use Google Analytics so we invite you to check out this Beginner’s Guide made by Kissmetrics. Google Analytics can provide insightful website traffic data to help optimize your site to increase sales and revenue.
2. WordPress. The popular Content Management System (CMS) platform accounts for about 20% of the entire web. We love using WordPress because of how user-friendly it is for our clients. There are tons of themes and tutorials for newbies at the WP for beginners website. We highly recommend getting familiar with how WordPress works, to help better understand your the smaller details of your own website.
3. SEO. Search engine optimization is extremely important, but very few people really understand it. Moz has a great beginner’s guide to SEO to give you an in-depth look into how search engines work, search-engine friendly design, keyword research, trends, links and more.
4. CRO. Conversion-rate optimization is about increasing the effectiveness of your website and converting for leads by improving content, design and call-to-actions. This definitive guide to conversion optimization by Neil Patel and Joseph Putnam covers everything you need to know to spend less time and money while increasing traffic and conversion on your website.
5. Image Editing & Design. Some photo editing software like Photoshop can be quite expensive and has a large learning curve. We all understand how a visually pleasing site is more important than ever right now. This free site, Canva, allows you to easily create attractive images to use on your website and marketing materials.
If you are looking for more help or would like to talk to web and marketing specialists, contact Off The Wall Media at 503-452-1082 or visit our website.