Tag: google adwords

Top 5 Reasons you Should Use Google Remarketing

If your business is running a Google AdWords campaign, (which it should be) then running remarketing ads is crucial piece to your advertising puzzle.  How remarketing ads work is your webmaster places a snippet of tracking code on every page of your website and Google will start creating a list of all of your website visitors […]

How to Increase Conversions on Google AdWords without Spending More Money

Google AdWords is one of the top forms of online marketing that gives businesses the highest return on investment.  With Google being the most popular search engine, AdWords allows your business the opportunity to get in front of potential customers when they search specific keywords.  Many businesses say they don’t have a big enough budget […]

5 Common Mistakes on Google Adwords

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns go hand-in-hand with SEO. It is important to utilize both for the best results on search engines like Google.  Since Google accounts for the majority of search engine usage, Google Adwords is the best platform to use for PPC advertising.  Unfortunately, a lot of small businesses are not familiar with Google […]

How to Increase Conversions from Google Adwords this Holiday Shopping Season

  Small businesses who sell products or services online will be working extra hard this holiday season to keep up with buying trends.  Google did a study showing that one third of shopping-related searches are now happening between the hours of 10pm to 4am.  What does this mean for your business?  It is important to […]