Tag: website

4 Ways to Use Video Marketing for your Business

Video should be an integral part of your online marketing strategy.  Apps and software to create quality videos are readily available, give you less excuses to use.  Below are four ways to add video to boost your online presence. 1. Promote videos with content you’ve already created.  If your business has an app that you want […]

Capture Visitors Attention on your Website with These 6 Tricks

You have 15 seconds to capture your visitors attention to keep them on your website.  Here are 6 tips and tricks to decrease your bounce rate and increase conversions to your website. 1. Avoid clutter.  If your site is full of animated images, tons of text or excess design features, then it may be time for […]

Schnax, Sammiches and a New Website for Wanker’s Corner

Burger, melts, wraps, brunch, you name it, Wanker’s Corner Saloon has got it!  As a staple Wilsonville bar and grill for decades, Wanker’s Corner serves tasty food and drinks with a vibrant and funky atmosphere.  Off The Wall Media completed a new website re-design to highlight their events, specials, menu and social media channels.  The […]

Cyber Monday is here

  Is your website ready for today’s Cyber Monday traffic?  On Black Friday, Best Buy’s website was down for over an hour as shoppers flooded the mobile site looking for the best deals.  With an influx of mobile traffic for Best Buy’s site, it had to be shut down to restore the issues for the […]

The White House admits their websites are ugly, is yours too?

Has it been over 2 years since you last website redesign? Many businesses do not realize the power of a great website.  Currently the White House is looking for improve all government websites, to make them more updated and user friendly.  With the majority of Americans spending a significant amount of time online, it is […]