Tag: advertising

Top 10 Cheesy Stock Photos

Stock photos can be very useful for adding high quality, royalty free images to your marketing and website.  The important thing to remember is to choose your stock photos wisely.  While images typically enhance your message, using the wrong photo can actually hurt your brand.  Below are some of our favorite cheesy stock photos that […]

For Sasquatch! Music Festival, it was all about the Brands not Bands

One of the notable differences at this years Sasquatch! Music Festival in the Gorge was the increased amount of brand advertising.  As your standing in the crowd watching your favorite artist play, you can’t help but notice the gigantic Twix bar ads on either side of the stage.  #lefttwix #righttwix.  Corporate sponsorship was everywhere this year. […]

How to Create a Successful Facebook Contest in 8 Simple Steps

Looking for more traffic and engagement to your Facebook page? Have an awesome to give away?  Facebook contests are a great way to promote your business page, increase engagement and capture new leads.  Many businesses don’t know how to get started on creating a successful Facebook contest.  Below is a guide to help you run […]

A Sneak Peak at this Year’s Super Bowl Ads

This year some of the biggest players in advertising for the Super Bowl are talking about their commercials. Doritos is utilizing fan-generated ads for this year’s commercial with their annual ‘Crash the Super Bowl’ contest where contestants submit their own Doritos commercials.  The contest is down to 10 finalists and this month anyone can vote […]

Increase your Conversions with Killer Copy

Every business makes one of their main goals to get more conversions.  However, many of them don’t know where to begin to achieve this goal.  We have compiled a list of seven ways to increase your conversions through writing killer copy. 1. Focus on what the customer wants.  Instead of focusing on what you offer, […]

5 Ways to Build your Brand and Followers on Instagram

With over 300 million users, now surpassing Twitter, Instagram is the social place to be.  Each day the global community shares over 70 million photos and videos on Instagram.  The largest demographic on Instagram is 18-34 year olds and a study found that a lot of those users are urban, youthful women. Instagram is still […]

Why Email Marketing is NOT Dead

When people think of online marketing, they mostly think of social media.  Social media may seem more hip and cool but email marketing is still proven to be one of the most effective and sustainable ways to reach customers and grow a small business. Email marketing is perfect for small businesses because it doesn’t require an […]

Radio is Still Dominating the Road

Pandora, Spotify or iTunes are still increasingly popular channels for people to listen to music but when it comes to driving, radio is still in the fast lane. A study done by Edison Research found that over half of Americans listen to the radio almost every time they get in their car and 86% listen […]

7 Unique Ways to Increase Sales Using Social Media

1. Tag Users Involved with your Content: Build a stronger connection and relationship with contacts when you tag activity across social networks.  Whether it is potential customers or networking with leaders and influencers, make sure you know whom you are trying to target and if they are active on those networks. 2. Use Direct Messaging […]