Critical Website Updates Required! ⚠️
Your website requires an assessment to ensure functionality.
Your website requires an assessment to ensure functionality.
Everyone knows how good PR helps a business. Did you know good PR also helps boost your SEO? News websites tend to hold a significant weight on Google searches, making a news article published about your company, show up in one of the top spots. These news sites may show up before your own […]
In a world where word-of-mouth influencing is now spread through the Internet, influencer marketing campaigns are more important than ever before. The Internet has changed the way we are influenced to make purchase decisions and how we view different brands. Using influencers in your marketing is a great way to reach more people and build […]
On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. Are your readers hooked into reading the copy of your emails, blogs and social media posts? Or do they scan the title and bounce? Crafting the perfect headline can be challenging and take up a lot of unnecessary time. Readers tend […]
Facebook advertising is cheap and if you are not using it than you should seriously consider adding it your strategy. Since organic posts reach less than 10% of your fans, boosting a post for $5 can make a huge impact on impressions and engagement. Posting content without boosting it means posts are most likely to be […]
A lot of businesses understand the importance of a strong social media presence. Many of them do not understand the benefits of email marketing in addition to social media. Social media can be hard to see the right ROI but email marketing can generate almost immediate results. Streamlining your social media and email marketing can […]
Influencer marketing on Instagram can be a great option for creating brand awareness, affinity, engagement and new business. Since Instagram advertising is still not available to most businesses, many successful Instagram accounts have achieved success through influencer marketing. Influencers can be almost anybody, from world travelers to food bloggers to celebrities. The most challenging part […]
Does your business work with people who speak other languages and/or live in another country? Here at Off The Wall Media, we can customize your website to any language that your customers use in order to reach your target market. Localization is important to gain credibility and global awareness for an international company. Our most recent […]
Have you ever noticed that when you visit some websites they begin with https instead of http? The “s” is added in when the website is a secure site, meaning no one can spy on your internet session. Most respectable online services, especially involving monetary transactions, use a secure site. However, there are a lot […]
There are a few elements that could make your website scream “year of 2002” and could turn off potential customers. Most customers will spend less than 15 seconds on the home page before clicking away, which gives you only 15 seconds to capture their attention. Outdated and unattractive websites can turn away customers before they get to […]